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Chairman's Letter - July/August 2024

I can’t believe we are at the double issue for July and August, and we are halfway through the calendar year! So, what have

your Board of Trustees been up to! We are delighted to have welcomed two new trustees to our number, namely Debbie Black from Woodcote WI and Sarah Griffey from Thame Belles WI. This is a new experience for Debbie, but Sarah has been a Trustee previously – I know you will join with me in wishing them a very happy trusteeship. As a Board we have been working hard on a strategy for the future so that we can review how we attract new members and care for our existing members. I know that you also focus on that at WI level so between us I know we can ensure that Oxfordshire has a raft of WI members for many years to come. We are waiting for final details on the Denman Grant Scheme as we are very keen as a Board to be able to offer funded education for our members. It sounds dry but putting a strategy

together has actually been good fun and keeps the brain cells active!!

I know many of you will not be meeting in August and taking a well-earned break. The office team will be having some time off as well as catching up with those tasks specifically

saved for August!

Have a lovely summer.

Love and best wishes.


Tracy Strain

OFWI Chair

01235 765285

PS: I have just returned from the most amazing Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall. In her farewell speech Ann Jones threw down a challenge – to say “thank you” – I knew that I wanted to say thank you to each and every Oxfordshire member – we all take something different from our membership of this wonderful organisation, but you also put so much back that I can go to sleep at night with a smile on my face. So, from me to you, thank you.

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